
Axos CryEngine

                                                   Axos in CryEngine

I have done 3models in sketchup and playup one model which I think th better one.And I fix some of my model a little but all in all they remain what they looks like before.I just make them not so cuby.
                                         Space is the absent of the form and simplicy is complexity.
                                          Repitition of patterns form a concept and Architecture is not the structure, it is the space the structure creates.
                                         the skin of the building can define interior space and creating balance with  seemingly unbalanced form.


6 Axonometrics

   There are my 6 axonometrics related to the 2 architects Rem Koolhaas and Ludwing Mies Van der Rohe.6 concepts in continous sequence are
 1.the skin of the building can define interior space(Ludwing Mies Van der Rohe)
 2.space is absent of form(Rem Koolhaas)
 3.repitition of patterns form a concept(Rem Koolhaas)
 4.Architecture is not the structure;it is the space the structure creates(Ludwing Mies Van der Rohe)
 5.creating balance with seemingly unbanlanced forms(Ludwing Mies Van der Rohe)
 6.simplicity is complexity(Rem Koolhaas)